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Since 2004.

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The Rise of "Egommunication"

There is a magic power that a growing number of people are starting to have. It’s happening all around us with social media and yet most of the time it is going without notice. I can now communicate with someone without communicating with them. I can tell them something without talking to them. And I … Read more

Introducing the Nametag 2.0 …

Earlier today I wrote about standing out at an event and creating smart event marketing strategy. Tonight I’ll be at the Mashmeet San Francisco event as a sponsor for my book and trying to create some buzz at the event. As I saw it, here were my key challenges: How do I get people to … Read more

Lenovo Extends The Olympic Experience With 100 Athlete Blogs

For any die-hard Olympic enthusiasts like me, you already know that today is a special day. It’s exactly one month from the beginning of the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing (on 08/08/08) and media attention is already starting to turn towards these Games in a more frenzied way. For several months now, I have been … Read more

Speaking To A Room Full Of Speakers at BlogPotomac

Last night I had an interesting challenge: to speak at the Speaker’s Dinner before BlogPotomac (a gathering discussing social media right here in the DC area today). The majority of people in the room had top blogs, spoke at events frequently, and several had authored their own books. Added to that was the fact that … Read more

How "Location Shifting" Could Reinvent GeoTargeted Online Marketing

There’s a pretty simple idea that could transform the landscape of targeted online communications, but no one is doing it … yet.  If you have ever done any online marketing that has been targeted by geography, you know that there are pretty much only two ways to do it currently online: 1. Based on IP … Read more

Inside Lenovo's Olympic Blogging Program

This past week in the string of posts about the book coming out, I’ve been stockpiling ideas for "real" blog posts and wanting to write about them more and more. Thankfully now that I launched the Personality Matters blog, I will post most of the updates about the book there and refocus on marketing strategy … Read more

Be Part Of The Personality Not Included Book Launch On March 28th

There are a lot of ideas for how to launch a book online. As I head toward launching* Personality Not Included this Friday, I’ve looked at most of them. Some authors create a group and ask all their contacts to all hit an online bookstore like Amazon at one time to create a surge in … Read more

10 Easy Ways to Piss Off A Blogger (from SXSW)

At SXSW yesterday, I ran a "core conversation" called 10 Easy Ways to Piss Off a Blogger.  This year at SXSW, these aptly titled "conversations" were a type of speaking slot where there was a round table and the challenge of engaging people in a discussion about a particular topic.  Mine was one close to … Read more

Ironweed Films and The Secret of Repackaging That Works

Would you join a book of the month club?  How about taking the packaged tour to see the sights at a new travel destination instead of exploring them on your own?  There was a time when I didn’t understand why anyone would choose something like that.  After all, if you can have all the fun … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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