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Plse Forgiv Typoes – Jott Fights Terse Reply Syndrome

For anyone who uses a Blackberry religiously, or works with those who do – you also know that there is a new language that has emerged for that mode of communication. Similar to text messages, brevity is a growing necessity with Blackberry communications and it is leading to people doing things like including a disclaimer … Read more

Marketing In The Age Of Disposable Email

Some guy named Bob probably hates me. I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me … but he’s the unfortunate registrant of and has used his first name for his email address. Yup, you guessed it – that makes his email address That also happens to be the email address that I … Read more

Inside Lenovo's Olympic Blogging Program

This past week in the string of posts about the book coming out, I’ve been stockpiling ideas for "real" blog posts and wanting to write about them more and more. Thankfully now that I launched the Personality Matters blog, I will post most of the updates about the book there and refocus on marketing strategy … Read more

Be Part Of The Personality Not Included Book Launch On March 28th

There are a lot of ideas for how to launch a book online. As I head toward launching* Personality Not Included this Friday, I’ve looked at most of them. Some authors create a group and ask all their contacts to all hit an online bookstore like Amazon at one time to create a surge in … Read more

10 Easy Ways to Piss Off A Blogger (from SXSW)

At SXSW yesterday, I ran a "core conversation" called 10 Easy Ways to Piss Off a Blogger.  This year at SXSW, these aptly titled "conversations" were a type of speaking slot where there was a round table and the challenge of engaging people in a discussion about a particular topic.  Mine was one close to … Read more

Blog Marketing Skill #1: Master the Ego

Blogs are all about ego.  Anyone who disagrees is just kidding themselves.  Of course, ego is a word that comes with all sorts of connotations.  Many people assume it is bad.  To a degree, marketing has always been about ego, because it is a necessary element of each of your personalities.  However, here is the … Read more

Inside the 5 Badges of the Conference Caste System

At every conference or tradeshow, you get a badge.  I have a box full of them on my desk, an increasing number of them with the title of "Speaker" affixed beneath my name.  I recently had a conversation with some colleagues about the importance of being a speaker at an event.  Often, the most important … Read more

Blogger Social 2008 and the Art of Personalized Outreach

The first thing I should say is that I was planning to write about Blogger Social 2008 anyway.  You’ll see why I started with that disclaimer in a moment … Just about everyone in any kind of communications role has probably reach out to at least one blogger at some point to share something of … Read more

How Much Does Online Privacy Matter To You?

This is a post that I am guessing will get some fairly passionate responses on either side of the debate.  Here’s the question lots of people are asking today: where and how much does privacy really matter to you online?  This is a critical question for 3 reasons: Marketers have more data about people than … Read more

Announcing The Ultimate Marketing Bookstore

Several months ago I participated in the LitLiberation Blogger Challenge launched by my friend Tim Ferriss to try and raise money for (a site which allows teachers to submit funding proposals to ask for help doing something they don’t normally get the funding for).  Around the same time, I started playing around with Amazon … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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