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5 Provocative Questions In Digital Advocacy From Changemakers

On Friday last week I had a chance to attend a "charrette-style" unconference called Changemakers put on by the University of California – Santa Barbara and their Center for Information Technology and Society. The attendees included people from the Sierra Club,, Deloitte, Stanford, and thinkers like my friend and fellow Zero G buddy Doc … Read more

The Do NOT Vote Campaign

As a parent, I appreciate reverse psychology. My kids are still at the age where it works, so I’m a big fan. Apparently when they become teenagers, it still works but only if you tell them not to do something. The problem is that it is usually something that you actually don’t want them to … Read more

Obama Has A Drinking Problem

Got your attention? That’s the brilliant tagline of a new campaign from the folks behind Tappening, a grassroots effort to tell Americans (and the world) about the dangers of bottled water and encourage them to switch to tap water. I have written about the campaign before as a good example of cause related marketing that … Read more

7 Ways To Publish A Book For Marketing

I love books. Not just for the power of conveying an idea through a printed form, but also for the emotional significance of actually holding a book in your hands. More and more recently I have been books become a brilliant marketing tool for everyone, from political candidates to technology companies. Along the way, there … Read more

Help Feed 1 Million Children A Day

This weekend I am gathering with more than 800 fellow South Asians for the annual NetIP Conference in Boston. The event is a three day long exploration of everything from the many innovations in microfinance being led by Indian entrepreneurs to book readings by Indian authors such as Anita Jain (featured in today’s NY Times … Read more

Guest Post: What's In a Name?

By Nedra Weinreich I’m honored to have been invited to join the illustrious cast of bloggers here filling in. Congratulations to Rohit and his family on the birth of Jaiden Kumar! What a beautiful name. I’ve been thinking about names a lot lately. Many would say that names are destiny. What you are called shapes … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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