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Since 2004.

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The Church And The Gym

Imagine the best wedding that you have ever been invited to. Perhaps it was your own, or a close friend's. What made it so great? Was it the people who were there? Or perhaps your relationship to the couple getting married? If you are like most of us, those things were likely a part of … Read more

Small Business Saturday: Amex's Smartest Marketing Effort Yet

This morning as most Americans will wake up after the busiest "Black Friday" shopping day of the year, a weekend of buying and saving is likely to continue as people start to catch up on buying things they need and things they don't. This year, however, Black Friday will be followed by the newly named … Read more

Life And Marketing Lessons From LIVESTRONG CEO Doug Ulman

Every day too many people hear the three worst words in the English language: “you have cancer.” That was one of the many insights that emerged in my talk with Doug Ulman on the stage last night at BlogWorld as we talked about the fight against cancer, his personal battle as a three time cancer … Read more

VISA Chases The Myth Of Exclusivity And Fails

Most of us have several different kinds of credit cards in our wallets. I have one of each of the most popular three (Visa, Mastercard & American Express*)and tend to use them for different things. Consumers who use multiple brands is a common situation replicated across many other industries, from fashion to automotive. While people … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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