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Since 2004.

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Binge Rooms: The Ultimate Immersive TV Experience


Back when I worked at a marketing agency I remember those times when I would see a campaign so inspired it would immediately make me wish I had thought of it. This new effort from FCB New York is one of those envy-inducing efforts. The goal is to position LG TVs as the ones that … Read more

How The Backlash Of Superfans Might Ruin Entertainment For The Rest Of Us


Logan director James Mangold is worried that “the fear of upsetting an eager mob” of online fans might drive smart, creative people out of creating great art. For years comedians have been avoiding college campuses because of the inability for easily outraged youth to take a joke. Have we become so uptight that we are unable … Read more

How Hot Dog Water Became The Hottest New Health Drink In America

hot dog water

Hot Dog Water officially launched this week and you can have some for just $38 a bottle. Before you roll your eyes in disgust, would it change your mind to learn that it helps restore the body’s homeostasis after an electrolyte imbalance? It is only if you read till the end of the small print … Read more

Backlash On World Cup Jersey Design Surprises Adidas. It Shouldn’t.


This week there have been no shortage of World Cup memes. Everything from Senegal manager Aliou Cissé becoming the tournament’s coolest man, to the early domination of Ronaldo. Yet the one meme so far that might offer the best business lesson is the justified worldwide ridicule Adidas is earning for their confusingly designed official jerseys. … Read more

Why You Can Focus In A Noisy Coffee Shop, But Not A Noisy Office

For years one of my favorite tools for writing is a website called Coffitivity which simulates the background noise of a coffee shop. I find this little tool a perfect backdrop for writing and use it almost every day. In this article, author David Burkus shares some research behind why having this type of “white noise” in … Read more

Want To Live Cheaply In London? Try An Abandoned Building …

London-based property management company Lowe Guardians has a unique business proposition for landlords of abandoned buildings: rent them out. The company has pioneered the brilliant strategy of offering young people a chance to become “guardians” of an abandoned building, living in fabricated housing often in prime locations for an unusually affordable price. If there was ever … Read more

Why Leica Thinks Brand Transformation Is Overrated

I once heard a CEO describe the mentality of many new marketing executives as similar to a dog peeing on a fire hydrant: they are both too focused on engaging in mostly futile attempts to establish ownership. The analogy is slightly off putting, but not all that inaccurate. In that context, this unearthed print ad … Read more

Japan’s Hottest Wedding Photo Trend: Couples Sealed In Airtight Plastic

Nothing says forever like getting vacuum sealed in plastic to be photographed with your newly beloved. Tokyo-based photographer Haruhiko Kawaguchi describes his quirky portrait idea as “a way for people to express how close and in love they are. ” At the end of the day, everyone wants to have that unforgettable wedding photo so there … Read more

An Inside Look At The First Robotic Microapartment Design

As apartments get smaller and urban areas get more crowded, real estate companies and residents themselves will look for more creative ways to use limited space. A new robotic “microapartment” hitting the market now may offer an interesting solution focused on creating a living space smart enough to adapt at the touch of a button … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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