The Non-Obvious Insights Blog. Non-Obvious Insights
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Since 2004.

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The Dilbert Blog and the Danger of Blog Dissonance

The author of one of the greatest blogs on the Internet announced a few weeks ago that he would be posting far less often.  In a world where it seems that everyone (and their mom) is starting a blog for one reason or another, seeing one prominent and popular blogger decide to do it less … Read more

Why the Future of Online Advertising is About Identity

[ Cross-posting from Internet Evolution ] Facebook’s recent push for "social advertising" is one of the biggest topics of discussion in the advertising industry this year. It’s interesting that such a potentially disruptive idea is coming from somebody other than Google  (Nasdaq: GOOG). The move essentially creates a model for "microadvertising" within Facebook where you … Read more

Guest Post: Is Word of Mouth a Discipline or Just a Channel?

by John Bell Rohit has invited a handful of folks to post on his blog while he manages his true key influencers – family (including the newest member!). It only seems fitting that each of us post on what we care about most. In my case, that’s word of mouth marketing. My team uses digital … Read more

Lufthansa Proves Sweden Is Full of Gorgeous Blondes

Typical marketing advice says that you should never focus on marketing your category, but instead focus on what makes your service distinct from your competitors.  Marketing an industry or type of service is usually a losing proposition because even if you convince someone they need something, you have not convinced them that they need to … Read more

Thinking Outside the Demographic – Why Customer Passion Matters More

If you have been in marketing for any amount of time, you know how omniprescent demographics are.  The first question most marketing teams will focus on is "what’s our target demographic?"  Demographics are what media is bought by and what media properties define themselves by.  Ask any online community about their core audience, and they … Read more

Firebrand Shows Ads The Way MTV Used To Show Music Videos

The dirty little secret that most people who make their living marketing on the Internet will never tell you is that they love watching TV spots.  Of course, it is frustrating how much clients spend on questionably effective television advertising … and there are a lot of crappy TV ads being produced.  But what if … Read more

Influential Marketing Blog Featured in Wall Street Journal

Many of you may have already caught this yesterday, but this blog was cited in the Recommended Reading  section of the Wall Street Journal yesterday in an article by Keith Huang.  As Jay Berkowitz from Ten Golden Rules shares on his team blog, my blog was one of 60 resources that they recommended to the … Read more

Why 10 Asinine Trends Might Still Matter

Earlier this week, I posted on our 360 Digital Influence team blog about Mark Simon’s piece in AdAge titled "Beyond the Hype: The 10 Most Asinine Trends Online and Why You Should Ignore Them") and about the type of counsel I think we should be offering to our clients.  My main point is that we … Read more

What If Consumers Could Generate Ads They Want To See?

Last week I sent myself an email to generate a Google text ad.  As any Gmail user knows, Google serves ads based on the text content of your email.  So corresponding back and forth with a good friend of mine whose wedding I will be attending in Peru next month results in several offers for … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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