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Burger King's School Of Endorsements

In a recent ad that Burger King just started running, NASCAR champion Tony Stewart teaches a course to other celebrities about only endorsing brands and products they actually believe in. The ad features Eric Estrada selling his own line of Estrada sunglasses, and an overly botoxed Carrot Top (the comedian) selling his own Carrot Crusher … Read more

Palm Pre Misses Opportunity With Bollywood Hero Sponsorship

Earlier this month, the IFC channel launched a new three part mini-series called Bollywood Hero that featured the story of an American actor (Chris Kattan) who decides to leave Hollywood for Bollywood to become a leading man. The show aired in early August and has been replaying on the channel since then. I found it … Read more

Why Google & Virgin America's Online Scavenger Hunt Campaign Rocked

Early this morning Google Apps partnered with Virgin America to launch a unique campaign where they invited people taking Virgin America flights all day, as well as those sitting on computers at home or work to participate in an online scavenger hunt for clues to answer questions they would pose at you on a website … Read more

5 Marketing Secrets From Infomercials

Infomercials, those long TV ads that air late at night when most reasonable people should be sleeping, are often ridiculed by consumers and marketers alike. What kind of person would fall for those exaggerated claims and supposedly limited time offers? Surely these offers are only accepted by poor desperate insomniacs with too many credit cards, … Read more

Underwear Brand Gives Thanks For Great Butts

As much of the US gears up for an abbreviated day of work leading up to the Thanksgiving Weekend, I thought I’d share a great marketing idea from our cousins across the pond that never quite made it to the US. It’s for an underwear brand called Sloggi – who decided to launch a Miss … Read more

"Askvertising" And The Future Of Online Advertising

About a year ago when I was in the market for a new digital SLR camera, the first place I turned was a site I have often visited over the years for authoritative advice on cameras. The site, Digital Photography Review, or for short, features complete and exhaustive reviews of digital cameras on the … Read more

Got Controversy? Why Your Brand Needs One Today

A recently released book that I contributed to asked the question with it’s subtitle, "why don’t they get it?" It’s a fitting question today, as brands are often divided into those that understand the power of conversation and those that don’t. Slowly, however, brands are adding their names to the ranks of those that get … Read more

Buy My Second Book Today (And Save The World)

Ok, before I get into too much trouble – let me explain. Today is the release of a project that I am honored to be involved in, and you could arguably call my second book, though I am sharing author credit with 236 other authors I highly respect. The book is called Age of Conversation … Read more

Lenovo Extends The Olympic Experience With 100 Athlete Blogs

For any die-hard Olympic enthusiasts like me, you already know that today is a special day. It’s exactly one month from the beginning of the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing (on 08/08/08) and media attention is already starting to turn towards these Games in a more frenzied way. For several months now, I have been … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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