An alternate title for this article could easily have been: “Ibiza: Where Rich Assholes Go to Party.” That’s the impression you’ll pretty immediately have as you start reading these stories from a writer who spent just a week working as a concierge managing wealthy client demands at a top resort in “Ibitha” – as it’s often pronounced by those trying hard to belong amongst the cool crowd and fit in. Many of the stories, in fact, do seem to underscore the truth of this stereotype.
His job entailed everything from getting impossible reservations for a DJ’s set to coordinating a 20-person feast with lamb from the Middle East for a guest who changed his mind and ordered the butler to go out for McDonald’s at the last minute instead. The stories are so readable perhaps because they unveil the true lifestyles of the rich and insecure. We consume them in the same way we might indulge in reality TV … as a reminder that no matter our vices, at least there are humans out there quantifiably worse than us.
12 Wild Stories from a Nightlife Concierge in Ibiza