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Trendspot: Simplicity Marketing from Apple, Nintendo, and UPS

Like anyone else, I find Steve Job’s product launch presentations to be mesmerizing.  Apple is certainly getting their mileage out of his typically irresistable keynote performance from Macworld, where Jobs announced the iPhone – marketing the download from the homepage of the iTunes store and probably getting millions of downloads already.  Yesterday evening, I also … Read more

A Recap of 2006 on Influential Interactive Marketing

Let’s start with a warning … this is the "clip show" post where I recycle a lot of old material so if that causes you extreme pain, please close this window now and come back tomorrow.  For all the rest of you, it’s the holidays and a quick glance around the marketing blogosphere will show … Read more

Trendspot: Autotagging Images to Help Organize the Web

I am a big fan of tagging as a way to organize content, save my bookmarks on, and optimize content for consumption on social media sites.  Yet I have also written before about the inherent difficulties of tagging (suggesting that a TagWiki might be the solution).  The biggest issue is that multiple people can … Read more

Ideas for Marketing with Fantasy Games Online

On Friday last week, there was a great piece by Julia Beizer in the Washington Post Express about a different category of fantasy games that offer an alternative to Fantasy Football.  Now officially giving up on my Fantasy Football team after losing my two star players in back to back weeks to season ending injuries, … Read more

Idea Bar: Marketing with Soundbombs

In this month’s issued of Wired Magazine, there was a profile of Soundbombs, an innovative new concept designed to merge audio with physical experiences to bring a new dimension to just about anything from billboards to art.  As unique as the concept is, the distribution strategy is even more so … with Felix Beck, creator … Read more

The Human Side of Search: Taggregation

As more and more content gets posted online by organizations and individuals, the barriers to finding the content that truly matters are getting higher.  Search algorithms are valuable for helping to sort through this information, but unfortunately the automated approach can only go so far and falls short when it comes to less well recognized … Read more

The Carnival of Marketing – Call for Submissions

One of the more popular blogs on marketing and PR today is Media Orchard.  Scott’s "Pick of the Orchard" are very useful daily posts on the top five or so marketing and PR related links worth reading online.  Piers does the same thing on marketing news and trends on both PSFK and Marktd.  Every once … Read more

Inside The Da Vinci Code Marketing Strategy

After much fanfare over the last few weeks, The Da Vinci Code opens in theaters across the US today.  Though some early reviews from the Cannes Film Festival premier have been less than perfect, there is no denying that the marketing machine behind the film has generated buzzworthy firsts, from partnering with Google to open … Read more

The Arrival of Product Placement on Blogs

Anyone in the marketing and advertising industry has probably followed the evolution of product placement on TV and in films with interest.  With the Tivo phenomenon changing how consumers view (or skip) the 30 second spot, some say the future of television is in product placements.  But what about product placement and sponsorship on blogs?  … Read more

A New Way of Sharing Patient Opinions Online

The phenomenon of Internet users sharing their opinions about products and services online is well into the mainstream now, with large etailers like encouraging customer reviews, sites like TripAdvisor asking travellers to review lodging in destinations around the world and  ratings systems for buyers to evaluate sellers on sites like ebay and others.  Online, … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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