The Non-Obvious Insights Blog. Non-Obvious Insights
The Non-Obvious Insights Blog.

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Since 2004.

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The Rise of "Egommunication"

There is a magic power that a growing number of people are starting to have. It’s happening all around us with social media and yet most of the time it is going without notice. I can now communicate with someone without communicating with them. I can tell them something without talking to them. And I … Read more

4 Unexpected Observations From BlogHer

I spent all last week attending events from two Mashable parties to the PSFK conference. Along the way I had the chance last thursday evening to attend the opening parties for Blogher – the conference dedicated to women bloggers. The first party was co-sponsored by Alltop and Kirtsy and held in Guy Kawasaki’s house in … Read more

Lenovo Extends The Olympic Experience With 100 Athlete Blogs

For any die-hard Olympic enthusiasts like me, you already know that today is a special day. It’s exactly one month from the beginning of the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing (on 08/08/08) and media attention is already starting to turn towards these Games in a more frenzied way. For several months now, I have been … Read more

Is Your Social Media Campaign Sinking?

Yesterday I was leading a panel of "social media mavens" (as we were all described in the conference program) at OMMA Social in NYC to talk about social media campaigns that worked, those that didn’t and our tips and tricks for having more success with social media. We did thankfully make it through our entire … Read more

Why Sprint's New Campaign Wins Only 50% Of Their Battle

As I tour around at events talking about why brands need to have a personality, a question that comes up often is about which brands don’t have a personality and suffer from facelessness. One of the most obvious categories that has built a dreadful reputation for itself is the wireless phone industry in the US. … Read more

How to Speak at a Conference Without Getting Skewered on Twitter

I’m headed to NY this morning to speak at an IAB event dedicated to social media and user generated content. It’s first of two events this month put on by large marketing bodies where the entire event is focused on social media (the second is OMMA Social in a few weeks). It’s certainly a sign … Read more

5 Great Marketing Blog Lists And What You Can Learn From Each One

As a marketing blogger with a fairly decent audience, I tend to make it onto a lot of marketing lists. And they are pretty popular these days. Sometimes it seems like each month I get placed on several of these new lists (along with the accompanying requests to include a list to the lists on … Read more

Get Your Name On The Back Cover Of PNI!

Since I launched my new book PNI, I have been getting emails, Facebook messages, Twitter updates and live feedback at events about what people liked and didn’t like about the book. These comments are a wealth of insight, but no one aside from me is getting the benefit of seeing them. Amazon reviews are the … Read more

How "Location Shifting" Could Reinvent GeoTargeted Online Marketing

There’s a pretty simple idea that could transform the landscape of targeted online communications, but no one is doing it … yet.  If you have ever done any online marketing that has been targeted by geography, you know that there are pretty much only two ways to do it currently online: 1. Based on IP … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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