The Non-Obvious Insights Blog. Non-Obvious Insights
The Non-Obvious Insights Blog.

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Since 2004.

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Singelringen Promotes "Single Power" As a Way of Living

Everywhere you turn online there is another site that introduces new ways to find that special someone.  From personality profiles on eHarmony to focusing on finding "recreational" friends on sites like – there seems to be some online service for everyone.  Public perception of online dating, too, has changed from assuming it was just … Read more

Ritz Camera Puts Carmen Electra Behind the Lens

In a promotion for charity announced yesterday and noted on the Cancer Blog, Ritz Camera will partner with Carmen Electra to promote two new printing services, standard square print sizes of 5" and 6", and the ability to also get large prints in 1 hour (previously unavailable).  Aside from the interesting partnership with Head for … Read more and Teens Changing the World

When I give presentations to Social Marketing folks, one of my favourite statistics is this interesting point: In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 13 million Americans made donations to relief efforts online and 7 million set up their own hurricane relief efforts using the internet. (Pew Internet) Think about that for a second.  … Read more

Wikimapia, Google's Green Summer and Marketing Mashups

Wikimapia is one of the most recent mashups with Google maps getting a lot of love on lately.  The site is a global effort to get people to describe the places they live in the same way that Wikipedia has become a global encyclopedia of knowledge on nearly every topic in the world.  The … Read more

The Hyper-Satisfaction Challenge

Several months ago, I read The Ultimate Question, a book from Fred Reichheld about how to measure your company in relation to how likely your customers are to recommend you to a friend or family member.  The result is what he calls your Netpromoter score.  The book represents a good reminder for companies on how … Read more

The Ogilvy HIV/Aids 25 Blog

As most people who pay attention to global media know, this week is the 25th "anniversary" of the Aids epidemic worldwide.  Based on recent reports, the disease unfortunately seems destined to remain a killer in populations around the world.  Since long before I joined Ogilvy, the firm has been working with numerous clients in this … Read more

The Marketing of "An Inconvenient Truth"

One of the more anticipated documentaries coming up for widespread release across the country is the new film "An Inconvenient Truth" – focused on telling the real story of global warming and leveraging the growing popularity of Al Gore’s "resurrection" (as Wired magazine termed it) from the "former next president of the United States" – … Read more

A New Way of Sharing Patient Opinions Online

The phenomenon of Internet users sharing their opinions about products and services online is well into the mainstream now, with large etailers like encouraging customer reviews, sites like TripAdvisor asking travellers to review lodging in destinations around the world and  ratings systems for buyers to evaluate sellers on sites like ebay and others.  Online, … Read more

Support the Cancer Mosaic

Lance Armstrong is a phenomenon, from his heroic story of conquering cancer to the yellow  LIVESTRONG wristbands that launched one of the strongest social marketing campaigns in recent history (not to mention a new global fashion trend).  Currently, his nonprofit – The Lance Armstrong Foundation is promoting the LIVESTRONG Challenge, a call to supporters of … Read more

Take the Multilingual Challenge: Globalize Your Blog

One of the things I have noted over the past year of blogging is that this blog receives a significant amount of traffic from locations outside of the US.  Intended or not, this blog has a global audience.  But like most of my fellow bloggers based in a single country, I don’t do much to … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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