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Since 2004.

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Blog Action Day: 7 Tips on Eating Differently To Impact Climate Change

One thing I can’t resist is an ambitious project.  As a marketer, if there is a groundswell for something that I believe in or find interesting, I am highly likely to try and be a part of it.  That’s why I join all sorts of groups, and why I try to lend my voice to … Read more

Can LitLiberation Raise $1 Million For Public Schools in 4 Weeks?

Tim Ferriss thinks so, and he’s bringing together an amazing list of influencers like Marc Andreessen, Drew Curtis, Tom Foremski, Matt Mullenweg, Darren Rowse, Premal Shah, Gina Trapani and lots of others to help him do it.  When I first met Tim at an event before his phenomenally successful 4 Hour Workweek came out, he … Read more

Influential Marketing Blog Featured in Wall Street Journal

Many of you may have already caught this yesterday, but this blog was cited in the Recommended Reading  section of the Wall Street Journal yesterday in an article by Keith Huang.  As Jay Berkowitz from Ten Golden Rules shares on his team blog, my blog was one of 60 resources that they recommended to the … Read more

Live Earth Includes DC, Thanks To The Native Americans

Today might be the largest simultaneous social marketing event ever staged – as Live Earth concerts light up stadium stages on 7.5 stages on 7 continents.  In case you’re wondering, the "0.5" stage is right here in DC.  The concert taking place now is at the American Indian Museum after they offered their venue for … Read more

One Hour No Power Campaign – And Other Ways to Save The World

I love a good grassroots campaign to change the world – and usually I do all I can to help these causes when I find them.  The latest one that’s caught my attention is the "One Hour No Power" campaign which is asking everyone today at midday in your local time to forego using all … Read more

The Greenest Sports Event on Earth

Yesterday during an afternoon session at the Corporate Climate Response event, Jack Groh, Environmental Manager at the NFL Environmental gave an engaging presentation about the NFL’s environmental policy.  He may seem like an odd choice to speak at an event like this, and the National Football League may seem like an even odder choice to … Read more

US Government Uses Blog Summit to Foster Discussion on Pandemic Flu

Consider this a fair warning – this week I will often be blogging about client work as I contribute to the Climate Response Blog.  As I head to London for that event, simultaneously our team has been spearheading a bold new initiative for the Department of Health and Human Services designed to engage bloggers in … Read more

Are You Marketing Your Product Backstory?

Several weeks ago, I noted an interesting story about how Dole is offering "farm codes" printed onto stickers that are placed on organic bananas offering consumers the chance to get to know more about the farm that grew the banana by visiting  On Dole Organic, you can see such information as a description of … Read more

Product (RED): Smart Social Marketing or Meaningless Celebrity?

In a great post over at PSFK – Piers publishes the content of a conversation he had with Julie Cordua, the VP of Marketing for the often talked about Product (RED) social marketing campaign.  In case you’re among the few people that hasn’t seen the campaign, it created waves last year by introducing a for-profit … Read more

A Recap of 2006 on Influential Interactive Marketing

Let’s start with a warning … this is the "clip show" post where I recycle a lot of old material so if that causes you extreme pain, please close this window now and come back tomorrow.  For all the rest of you, it’s the holidays and a quick glance around the marketing blogosphere will show … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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