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Since 2004.

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Is Keeping Your "Classic" Version a Necessity?

Launching a site quickly around an idea to claim a first mover advantage is rapidly becoming a mantra for new Web 2.0 startup sites.  As new social networks and other types social media tools on websites pop up – many are simply exploring an idea quickly to see if it sticks, and aiming to put … Read more

The Greenest Sports Event on Earth

Yesterday during an afternoon session at the Corporate Climate Response event, Jack Groh, Environmental Manager at the NFL Environmental gave an engaging presentation about the NFL’s environmental policy.  He may seem like an odd choice to speak at an event like this, and the National Football League may seem like an even odder choice to … Read more

Rohit Bhargava: Social Media Today Podcast Just Launched!

Last week I was invited to do a podcast interview as part of the Social Media Today Weekly Podcast series being put together by Maggie Fox.  I am part of a group called the Social Media Collective which is a group of bloggers that write often about social media and it’s impact on business and … Read more

Intel Launches Chinese Language Technology Blog

Intel, a current Ogilvy PR client, has just launched a new Chinese language blog focused on technology and is generating some great conversation through comments already.  Unfortunately, automated translation software cannot provide a coherent picture of the content yet – so you might be out of luck with getting much from the content of the … Read more

A Manifesto for Microsponsorships

NOTE: THIS POST IS AN ENTRY INTO THE SVAMA MARKETING THOUGHT PUBLISHING CONTEST There is a gap in online marketing today. Despite the rising budgets being allocated to online advertising, the distribution of this money is not equal. Even as thousands of new blogs and social networks are created, the vast majority of online ad … Read more

Westin Offers Widgets For Renewal In New Website to Launch Tuesday

Starwood is continuing their emerging focus on creating iconic lifestyle brands out of the multiple hotel chains they own with a new website called "Find Renewal" that will officially launch and be announced this Tuesday.  Marc Schiller, CEO of Electric Artists and fellow blogger pointed me to the new site, one of several efforts for … Read more

Flat Whites in DC: Why Thinking Outside Your Region Matters

There is a restaurant in the Washington DC area called Cassatts which is the only location in all of DC where you can get a flat white.  For most people that might not mean much, but for anyone who has lived in Australia or New Zealand, the thought of starting a morning without your flat … Read more

4 Trends That Signal the Future of Online Retail

In the industry I work in, it’s easy to get overly passionate about all of the new sites emerging every day that fit into this Web2.0 classification the industry has created.  The majority of these sites are willing to trade short term revenue for the prospect of building up a user base.  New users have … Read more

Inside the Art of Brand Personality: A Preview of Ad-Tech Panel

Tomorrow I will be leading a fantastic panel of social media personalities talking about the art of creating and fostering a brand personality through social media.  As I have shared before, I am extremely excited about this session and in particular about learning from the panelists who are participating about how they have managed to … Read more

A Few Non-boring Ways to Use Twitter For Marketing

Since around the time of SxSW and perhaps earlier, the buzz on Twitter has gone through the roof.  Collecting groups of text messages and emails from people cataloguing "what they are doing now" might seem like a colossal waste of time, but it has found a devoted following from bloggers and those actively engaged in … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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