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The Non-Obvious Insights Blog.

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Since 2004.

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Hellmann's Takes Search For "Real Food" Into Blogosphere

Today the Wall Street Journal published a piece about our upcoming branded entertainment campaign that we are officially launching tomorrow for Hellmann’s in partnership with Yahoo! Food.  Not surprisingly, the site is going to be supported by a large online ad buy across Yahoo and we are doing lots of related PR activities with the … Read more

6 Useful Social Media Tools and Sites For Women

When it comes to social media tools, most are not gender specific.  That’s a good thing, as it means they can be uniformly useful for everyone, but it’s a sign of evolution when more specifically targeted sites start to appear.  It happened with websites and now the same seems to be happening with several new … Read more

500 Things You Can Learn From A Supermodel

You may think there isn’t much you can learn from a super model – but you’d be wrong. The job of a model is to look good.  We all know that part of this look can be due to creative photoshop artistry and “post-production” – as exposé style videos such as Dove’s Evolution powerfully illustrated.  What … Read more

The Complete Guide to Short Term Blogging

One of the most challenging aspects of blogging that hold many companies and individuals back from jumping into starting their own blog is the ongoing commitment that blogs often require.  Creating a blog and posting frequently for a month – and then letting it slowly die is sadly common for corporate blogging initiatives.  Clearly starting … Read more

US Government Uses Blog Summit to Foster Discussion on Pandemic Flu

Consider this a fair warning – this week I will often be blogging about client work as I contribute to the Climate Response Blog.  As I head to London for that event, simultaneously our team has been spearheading a bold new initiative for the Department of Health and Human Services designed to engage bloggers in … Read more

Intel Launches Chinese Language Technology Blog

Intel, a current Ogilvy PR client, has just launched a new Chinese language blog focused on technology and is generating some great conversation through comments already.  Unfortunately, automated translation software cannot provide a coherent picture of the content yet – so you might be out of luck with getting much from the content of the … Read more

6 Dream Features Of The Ideal Social Network For Your Family

Almost everyone I know is sharing photos online with family, and some more web savvy families have full groups set up online to correspond with other family members across the world.  Over the last few weeks, I have come across several social networks aimed at helping families to communicate with one another.  The solutions range … Read more

A Manifesto for Microsponsorships

NOTE: THIS POST IS AN ENTRY INTO THE SVAMA MARKETING THOUGHT PUBLISHING CONTEST There is a gap in online marketing today. Despite the rising budgets being allocated to online advertising, the distribution of this money is not equal. Even as thousands of new blogs and social networks are created, the vast majority of online ad … Read more

Trendspot: Using Social Media to Tell the Inside Story of a Book

Getting the "inside story" is an appealing thing.  Whether you are talking about business, or entertainment, or even gossip about people’s daily lives, knowing the inside story means you are part of an elite club.  Inside stories are engaging, and they pass quickly from person to person (often, regardless of whether they are meant to … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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