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A Recap of 2006 on Influential Interactive Marketing

Let’s start with a warning … this is the "clip show" post where I recycle a lot of old material so if that causes you extreme pain, please close this window now and come back tomorrow.  For all the rest of you, it’s the holidays and a quick glance around the marketing blogosphere will show … Read more

The Plight of the Puppetmaster: Marketing in India, Part I

In Jaipur at the Alsisar Haveli, I met a young puppetmaster and his ten year old brother.  Together they performed puppet shows outside the main restaurant at the Haveli, with the older brother expertly controlling the puppets with every finger of both hands behind a curtained backdrop, and the younger brother playing the dholak in … Read more

Ideas for Marketing with Fantasy Games Online

On Friday last week, there was a great piece by Julia Beizer in the Washington Post Express about a different category of fantasy games that offer an alternative to Fantasy Football.  Now officially giving up on my Fantasy Football team after losing my two star players in back to back weeks to season ending injuries, … Read more

Idea Bar: Marketing with Soundbombs

In this month’s issued of Wired Magazine, there was a profile of Soundbombs, an innovative new concept designed to merge audio with physical experiences to bring a new dimension to just about anything from billboards to art.  As unique as the concept is, the distribution strategy is even more so … with Felix Beck, creator … Read more

Dove's Evolution of Beauty Campaign Goes Viral on YouTube

Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty has been one of the most talked about campaigns of the year, earning praise from people in the advertising world, as well as from real consumers for representing something different to the typical fashion advertising.  By focusing on the distorted perception of beauty that much of the fashion industry is … Read more

IdeaBar: Mobile Marketing with Virtual Hugs

One of the more interesting reports to come out of Wired’s NextFest event held in NY this past weekend was about a wearable technology company called CuteCircuit and their "hug shirt."  The shirt uses bluetooth technology or mobile messaging through SMS to relay the sensation of a hug from one wearer to another anywhere in … Read more

NYC Chefs Launch as a Wakeup Call for New Yorkers

Add to: | blinklist | | digg | yahoo! | furl | rawsugar | shadows | netvouz New York City is home to some of the finest Italian restaurants in the world, yet a growing challenge for many of these restaurants is consistently filling their tables.  In an effort to remind consumers of the … Read more

Arrival of the Bluetooth Billboard

The billboard is getting a makeover these days, as marketers get smarter about using the ultimate outdoor advertising vehicle to encourage more interaction with branded content.  CBS recently launched a billboard campaign in Grand Central Terminal train station in New York to promote several new shows in their fall lineup: "Shark," "Smith," "Jericho" and "The … Read more

The Power of Integrating Advertainment with Product Placement

Product placement is hot in Hollywood and television right now.  Fueled largely by advertiser’s fear of consumers fast forwarding through their ads, product placement deals are popping up everywhere.  Related to this trend is the rise of "Advertainment," in which advertisers focus on creating entertaining branded content.  This is not about simply placing your brand … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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