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MIT Shares Theory On Why Some Neighborhoods Evolve

Why do some neighborhoods evolve and gentrify while others don’t? This fascinating story is about a joint research program between MIT and Harvard to identify what causes urban change. Tested with five American cities, this system quantifies the physical improvement or deterioration of neighborhoods. The early results are already surprising: “Contrary to popular belief, raw … Read more

Fully Automated Toothbrush Helps Lazy People Be Lazier

If you are one of those people who thinks that brushing your teeth properly takes too long, this new product will help. A startup called Amabrush has launched a toothbrush that will clean all your teeth in 10 seconds. It looks like a futuristic gag used to keep criminals quiet, but watching how this works … Read more

Louis Vuitton Creates New Luxury Watch To Connect World Travelers

The intersection of luxury products and personalization will continue to bring interesting new ideas and this new watch from Louis Vuitton called the Tambour Horizon is a perfect example. The watch “is built to be a companion to the traveler. A feature within the watch allows users to view recommendations in big cities from Louis … Read more

Famous iPhone Hacker Creates Tool To Let You Hack Your Car

The more technology gets baked into things that we once enjoyed in simpler formats ,the more people will choose to “Strategically Downgrade.” Many farmers, for example, have turned to new ways of hacking the software on their tractors themselves. Now there is a new tool, from the same hacker that famously hacked the iPhone when he … Read more

Fender Uses eLearning To Help Guitarists Not Give Up So Easily

For anyone who has ever aspired to play the guitar, taken a few lessons and then given up … Fender has a new solution to try and keep your passion for the guitar alive. In a perfectly strategic new move, the brand is launching an eLearning platform with videos to help people more easily learn … Read more

KFC’s Surprising Reason For Launching Its Own Mobile Phone

On the surface, this announcement that KFC is partnering with Huawei to launch a new smart phone may seem like a random move. The phone will be branded in KFC signature red with an engraving of Colonel Sanders on the back to celebrate the brand’s 30 year anniversary in China, but that’s not really the … Read more

London’s “Smart Street” Aims To Reinvent Retail Shopping Environment

While the bold claims of changing retail from smart tile maker Pavegen may feel a bit overblown, this one small side street in London is taking an interesting approach to combining what is essentially an energy recycling idea (tiles which can convert the kinetic energy of footsteps into usable electricity) with new retail incentives like … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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