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A Gallery of Marketing and PR in Second Life

The virtual world has been getting a lot of coverage in the real world these days.  Second Life is becoming the new poster child for the rising popularity of avatars and virtual personalities that real people are taking on, and every day it seems there is a new development that causes those in marketing and … Read more

Forget Expensive Spokespeople, Try a Passionate Spokesblogger

A passage I read several years ago from Steve Martin’s wonderful play, Picasso at the Lapin Agile always stayed with me as a great example of the power of focusing a marketing strategy on influencers: Today it’s easy to see this phenomenon repeated all over the world as the power of social media continues to … Read more

Snakes on a Plane Viral Campaign Misses the Multicultural Mark

I came across an interesting viral campaign for the upcoming movie "Snakes on a Plane" where users can go online and enter names to have a personalized viral message sent to someone spoken by Samuel L. Jackson.  I have seen this viral talking idea before, such as with the "7 days left" campaign for The … Read more

5 Case Studies in Reinventing Book Marketing

Add to: | blinklist | | digg | yahoo! | furl | rawsugar | shadows | netvouz A quick look at any marketing industry publication over the last few weeks will yield more than a few examples of how authors and publishers are getting smarter about marketing.  As more and more outlets compete for … Read more

Ritz Camera Puts Carmen Electra Behind the Lens

In a promotion for charity announced yesterday and noted on the Cancer Blog, Ritz Camera will partner with Carmen Electra to promote two new printing services, standard square print sizes of 5" and 6", and the ability to also get large prints in 1 hour (previously unavailable).  Aside from the interesting partnership with Head for … Read more Offers a New Online Community for Boomers 50+

Several weeks ago, I had the chance to speak with Jeff Taylor (founder of about, his latest venture launching today.  The site is targeted to the increasingly influential group of boomers aged 50+ who are now either contemplating retirement or engaged in "active retirement."  Aside from the new advertising opportunities the site offers, … Read more

Yahoo Uses Giants of Advertising to Inspire Agencies

Working in advertising today, at least partially, is about nostalgia.  Dreams of making a career in creative ads that the world would be talking about are still around on Madison Avenue, though becoming more of a fantasy in a world that has found and embraced Tivo.  Yet the most powerful image of the golden age … Read more

The Human Side of Search: Directories, Wikis and Networks

One of the most popular portal sites today started with a list of Jerry Yang’s favourite sites.  As Jerry grew his directory of sites into the megaportal of Yahoo – he also gave birth to an idea that was copied across the Internet.  Then Google came along and Yahoo’s directory suddenly became a tool for … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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